Saturday, August 9, 2014

2014 :: week 32

August 3
The dress Lauren wore on Sunday had some tulle on the bottom. My parents watched the kids while we taught our last temple prep class and when we came to pick her up she had started calling the bottom of her dress a tutu and was dancing all over the living room.

August 4
Monday was hot and humid. Melanie & Laura joined us for a trip to the pool and I had them take a picture of me with the kids so there would be proof I was with them at the pool this summer. The pool hours change next week due to school starting (so early!) so we tried to fit in as much pool time as possible while this week.

August 5
We hit up Pump It Up! during their open gym hours on Tuesday. Will has been asking to go to a bounce house for months and the place we used to go closed in the winter. When a friend mentioned this place I decided we needed to check it out. Will had a great time. Lauren was nervous to go down the slides at first but after she went once she could not be stopped. I had to carry her out crying when the place shut down.

August 6
We met the Throssell's at Young's Pool for a few hours on Wednesday. Within the first 10 minutes we were there I realized I left our puddlejumpers and pool toys at home, Lauren pooped in her swim diaper and then slipped and fell on the ground in the dressing room while I was trying to change her diaper. Luckily things got better from there. The water felt really refreshing and I went down the slides and screamed like a crazy person when I went down the really steep slide.

August 7
We met up with some friends from our ward at the Johnson County Museum Thursday morning. Unfortunately we weren't the only group that had that idea--the place was packed! We walked across the street to a park and let the kids play for a bit. I enjoyed visiting with my friends and the kids had fun running around and climbing all over the playground.

August 8
My mom and sisters generously agreed to watch the kids overnight for us Friday so we could do something fun. Well, my idea of fun was painting our bedroom. I've wanted to paint it for quite awhile and it is hard to get done with kids in the house. While we were painting we noticed our air conditioner had a large puddle of frothy water under it. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, youtube specifically, Anthony was able to diagnose and fix the problem in the midst of our painting.

August 9
We reserved a fire pit at Shawnee Mission Park and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows with the Elder's Quorum Saturday night. It was a picturesque evening. The kids threw rocks in the water, chased and were chased by ducks, and played "football" with the missionaries while the adults were able to visit and get to know each other better. Our kids were filthy when we got home, but that's the sign of a good time, right?


Mitzi said...

Filthy children usually are the happiest!

Lauren said...

That's a good idea for an Elder's Quorum activity! I would tell Ross, except it's probably not worth it for the 4 guys that will show up. :)