July 27 |
Anthony made no-bake cookies, or "monkey poo," as he calls it, for our class Sunday night. He made them the week before and had requests for more. They are better than your average no-bakes.
July 28 |
Monday night we went to the pool after the gym and TJ couldn't stop working out. At the pool he did Lojo leg lifts for a bit.
July 29 |
Tuesday night we went to the Royals game. We stayed until the 8th inning. The kids were being good enough that we probably could have stayed to the finish, but I was worried about keeping the kids up really late and Anthony had to catch a flight at 5:50am the next morning. Even though the Royals lost we had a great time.
July 30 |
When Anthony travels the evenings are my least favorite part. I often try to make plans out of the house or with friends to make the time more pleasant. Wednesday night we went to a concert at Park Place with my friend Lauren and her kids because her husband was also traveling for work. Lojo loves to dance and she loves babies, so naturally she had to dance with Jovee. It's hard to watch uninhibited kid dance moves and not smile.
July 31 |
Thursday we got together with my friend Emilee. I watched her kids for a few hours and then we went over to her place for dinner and a movie. The kids watched
Despicable Me while the moms chatted about my kids grumpy behavior, paint colors, menu ideas and other fun stuff I find myself caring about these days.
August 1 |
Lauren was being silly during breakfast on Friday morning and put her cereal bowl on her head (both kids only eat dry cereal). Will told her she "looked like Alma." She does look similar to one of the Nephites in the illustrated
Book of Mormon reader we read with the kids.
August 2 |
Three years ago today we closed on our house! To honor our third anniversary as homeowners we worked on our yard a bit. We've had a lot of weeds this year and have kind of let this part of the yard go. Last year appears to have been a banner year for acorns. We have tons of mini-oak trees sprouting up all over the yard. The squirrels really let us down. Our hands are sore tonight. But the yard looks better. We really like living here, this house has been good to us.