Sunday, March 9, 2014

2014 :: week 10

March 2

Will's musicality has been manifesting itself more than usual lately. Sunday morning he beat the garbage drum while we finished breakfast. The drum isn't really my instrument of choice for the early morning hours, but that doesn't stop Will from having a good time.

March 3
 We watched an episode of Caillou that talked about April Fools. Will though it was hilarious, and insisted that we "April Fools" each other all afternoon. He was very excited for me to open the fridge after he put some of his cars in there and then asked me for a drink.

March 4
Lauren plays really well by herself and loves playing in her room with her various toys, especially her Little People. She uses the other toys to facilitate her play with the people. A few of her Little People are the Disney Princesses and I made the mistake of telling her their names. Now she wants to know the names of all of them and she gets annoyed if I forget the names I made up the day before.

March 5
Lauren and I enjoy the time we have together while Will is at preschool, but she sure is excited to see her "Willy" when school is over.

Just some bedtime shenanigans. 

Will brandishes his broom in many ways. Friday afternoon he was "rocking out" and playing guitar.

March 8
Lauren has been taking the coins from her piggy bank and place each one on an individual brick for awhile. Lately she has been adding puzzles pieces to the mix. She likes to make patterns and gets mad when I try to pick them up.

1 comment:

Laura said...

The picture of Lauren running to Will is the cutest thing! I love them!