February 23 |
Sunday was the first time we saw my dad in a few weeks. He and my mom traveled to Utah to visit Matt & Emily and their new baby Tyler, then he had to travel for work. Sunday afternoon he stopped by for a visit and Will insisted on playing Angry Birds with him. Will is obsessed with Angry Birds right now.
February 24 |
Even though I took this photo in landscape, when I uploaded it to the blog it appears sideways. I am too tired to figure out the problem, so I apologize for the strange orientation. On Monday we talked about agency and making good choices for FHE. I got the idea online to fill out a blank "Chutes and Ladders" template for our activity. In filling out the game I subconsciously aired some beefs I have with Will right now because "telling mom dinner is gross," "stealing chocolate chips," and "saying bad words," were the choices with the harshest penalties. (Will's bad words of choice are butt and shut up.)
February 25 |
I feel so lucky that Lauren is over two and still takes a nap each day. I know each kid is different, but Will had stopped taking naps completely by her age and I have been living in fear of the day she stops. We've been debating whether or not to take her pacifier away, but I am
scared to mess up the good thing we have going. Taking Will's away was
the beginning of the end for him and napping. She does skip naps from time to time, but overall she still sleeps for a good 2 hours every afternoon.
February 26 |
Will's been on a music kick recently. I don't know if it is the long hours indoors or what, but he is doing something music related all the time. Here he is "rocking out," (his words) on his bass drums.
February 27 |
Anthony had an incredibly busy workload this week. The perfect storm of work and church related responsibilities hit and kept him busy well into the evening hours every night. I took both kids with me to the gym on Thursday for the first time this year. They love playing in the explorer room after I'm done exercising. When it was time to go Lauren "hid" in that tunnel and forced me to climb up and forcibly remove her. Two year olds have a strange sense of humor.
February 28 |
Friday I tried to run all my weekend errands before the bad weather hit Saturday. Among my stops was the library where I picked up the March book club read,
Cold Comfort Farm.
March 1 |
Saturday evening as we were finishing up dinner we got word that church will be cancelled for tomorrow. Those darn wintery mixes are getting us again. So we decided to postpone baths until tomorrow morning and have a game night. We played CTR Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land and Let's Go Fishing. Lauren won more than anyone else, proving that those games are not based on skill or attentiveness.