Sunday, March 31, 2013

easter thoughts

I don't usually write about spiritual things on the internet, but the Easter spirit seems to have gotten the best of me. I taught our relief society lesson today (Chapter 6, Becoming Perfect Before the Lord), so I've had these thoughts swimming in my mind all week.

When I read through the lesson and realized that it was for Easter Sunday I couldn't help but think the timing was perfect. Is there a better day to discuss the importance of relying on the Lord and accepting his divine help to improve ourselves than Easter? A wise woman pointed out that becoming perfect is about balance. I want to be a good person everyday, but some days life feels too hard. There are so many things I need to work on I don't know how I will ever do it all. I like to think I am a patient mother, sensitive wife and thoughtful friend, but some days I struggle to be even one of those things. I am grateful that through the Atonement of Christ I can become better each day. On this Easter Sunday I am grateful to be reminded to come unto Christ. For the reminder to stop wasting my time worrying about the ways I am not enough and to just come unto Him. Lorenzo Snow said, "Do not expect to become perfect at once. If you do, you will be disappointed. Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today.”  I love the optimism in that statement, and it's hard for me to think very much about the Easter story and not feel hopeful.


Emily said...

I have to keep reminding myself to be better today than I was yesterday alllll the time.

Also, you've already got "awesome big sister" checked off of the perfection list. Just if you were wondering ;)

Laura said...

i agree with emilia. best oldest sister anyone could have! :)

Tina said...

We had that great lesson last week. The teacher pointed out that the instruction "Be ye therefore perfect" was meant to excite us, letting us know that with God's help we can be perfect, and not to reprimand us for not yet being perfect. I loved your insight as well. And you're already a perfect daughter-in-law!!

Jill said...

You're my favorite older sister.