We just got back from spending a week visiting the John family in Boston and New Hampshire. We had a fun and relaxing time. The weather was great (for August) and it was really nice to spend time together without a strict schedule. We were welcomed back to reality today when I picked up our mail and found a summons for jury duty addressed to TJ and a notice from a collections agency for me--in regards to a bill I can prove I paid months ago. Also, we haven't mowed our grass since we moved in and both of our next-door neighbors definitely did while we were gone. I guess life isn't always a vacation, but it sure is nice to take one from time to time.
Oh, and here is one of my favorite pictures from the trip.
A little preview until I can post about the people we saw and the things we did.
Will is THE cutest little boy ever. Can we skype on sunday to get the kids excited for next weeks trip?
Sorry you had such a rude welcoming when you returned to KC. We loved every minute of your visit, and are looking to seeing you guys sometime in the next few months. That Will -- what a character! We love him!
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