I keep thinking June just started, but it's almost half over.
I am really bad at getting my laundry folded in a timely fashion.
I struggle to get Will to drink water from his cup. Yet at the pool he reminds me of a pelican with his mouth open wide trying to scoop up as much *really clean* pool water as he can.

I wish there were sound effects for pictures. Oh wait, that's what videos are? Too bad I didn't think of that in time. Just imagine Will yelling "Go, dog go! Go dog, go!"
There is something about being pregnant that makes me CRAVE cookie dough. CRAVE it. Seriously, I think about it all the time.
Why do I do the things I do? I am pretty meticulous about paying bills on time, yet I struggle to return library books in a timely fashion.
I hate having a cough. I am *recovering* from a cough right now and it is so annoying. Robitussin tastes disgusting.
When did Redbox raise their prices? Why does everybody raise their price? Don't they know I'm trying to stick to a budget?
Why do I always pick the slowest line at the checkout? I've been on a roll lately and it kind of stinks. Tonight I ran to the store to pick up a few essentials--milk, yogurt, kleenex, orange sherbet (orange sherbet is definitely considered an essential in our family). I know exactly where each of those items are located in the store. Exactly. I figured it would take me about 5 minutes to find them, a couple minutes to check-out and I'd be on my way. Think again. All the lanes seemed to be about equal, so I just picked one. Bad choice. Nearly
ten minutes later I leave the store. At least I wasn't in a hurry.
I enjoyed watching some of the NBA Finals games with Will this year. The last time the Mavs took on the Heat was in 2006, the summer Anthony and I were engaged. It's fun to think about much life has changed since then.