Sunday, June 26, 2011

we made it to church on time today(!) and other weekend ramblings

The time we arrive at church shouldn't be worth blogging about, but we've really struggled to make it on time this past month and we did it today! And Will went to nursery!

In other weekend news, despite waking up to rain on Saturday, the day ended up being quite hot and sunny. We visited the Lenexa BBQ Battle at lunchtime. Highlights include Will getting to ride a bus (we took a shuttle to the park) and some delicious samples of pulled pork.

After nap time we went to the pool and chased Will around for awhile. I love Saturdays with no major plans.

Oh, and here is my current "baby bump." This picture is mostly for my sisters who haven't seen me in awhile. Summer sure is hot when you're pregnant.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

take me out to the ballgame

By Anthony

Will made it through whole baseball games last summer. He fell asleep for most of the game and had no idea what was going on. This year baseball games are different. Baseball games are a setting of things Will dislikes: He detests loud noises as he has not gone deaf like the rest of us yet. He dislikes anything that takes his parents' attention from him. At the same time, there are enough pluses for Will to make the games a happy place. Before entering the stadium Will pointed at flags around the stadium and yelled excitedly, "Baseball! Baseball!"

From our Hy-Vee seats 10 or so rows from the very highest seats in the stadium, Will literally had a birds-eye view of the game AND importantly all the birds. Will loves birds and loves to identify them as birds by yelling "Tweet tweet!"

Mommy, expert toddler caretaker that she is, brought apples and dipping sauce for Will. He had a grand time dipping the apples in caramel and sucking off the sugar. He only ate the chunks of apple he mistakenly swallowed and spit out the rest, which made his parents laugh.

We took a lap around Kauffman Stadium for the hour before the game started, letting Will have as much free-range as possible. He liked and pointed at the fountains until the wind "spit" the fountains in his face.

He sprinted to the giant ball. He loves balls. We have taught him well. It is not as if we reserve love and adoration until he plays with balls. Well, maybe I do. But he truly does seem to have a natural affinity for all balls. I just hope that he can keep up his 50th percentile size.

He liked Slugger, though before this picture was taken and mom picked him up, Will gave Slugger some shots to the groin. I think Will was trying to inspire (the behavioral/psychological term: positive punishment) Slugger and the rest of Royals to greatness. They started the season well, but have recently found themselves in a familiar place: last. Hopefully his punishment was timely and severe enough for Slugger to effectively relay the message from Will that their current performance level is unacceptable.

Yes. Will loved the game. We made it through 5 innings of fully attentive Will. We only went home because Will hasn't been sleeping well recently and we didn't want to mess with his sleep schedule too much.

Check out this link to a video we made of Will. He is so fun right now.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today we celebrate 18 months of Will.

Some facts about our little man:

He's currently weighing in at 25 pounds and standing a proud 32 inches tall. That puts him in the 40th and 50th percentiles, respectively. He's got 16 teeth and lots of thick blonde hair. And a sweet farmers tan.

He's very vocal. His favorite thing to yell is "Daddy!" He enjoys some good onamonapia. He likes to "tweet" when he sees birds, "woof" when he sees dogs, and "vroom, vroom" when he sees cars. He loves praise and hates to be denied anything.

He is a lover of basketball and baseball, really any type of ball he can throw (and he's got quite the arm).

He is a lover of milk and yogurt and identifies all red fruit as an "apple." He loves to dip (chips, nuggets, veggies). He can handle spicier food than I can.

He's getting pretty good at identifying his aunts, uncles, and grandparents thanks to the wonders of the internet.

He's growing up so fast and I am amazed every day by how much he remembers and the things he is able to do.

Happy Half-Birthday, Wilbur!

Monday, June 13, 2011

On my mind

I keep thinking June just started, but it's almost half over.

I am really bad at getting my laundry folded in a timely fashion.

I struggle to get Will to drink water from his cup. Yet at the pool he reminds me of a pelican with his mouth open wide trying to scoop up as much *really clean* pool water as he can.

I wish there were sound effects for pictures. Oh wait, that's what videos are? Too bad I didn't think of that in time. Just imagine Will yelling "Go, dog go! Go dog, go!"

There is something about being pregnant that makes me CRAVE cookie dough. CRAVE it. Seriously, I think about it all the time.

Why do I do the things I do? I am pretty meticulous about paying bills on time, yet I struggle to return library books in a timely fashion.

I hate having a cough. I am *recovering* from a cough right now and it is so annoying. Robitussin tastes disgusting.

When did Redbox raise their prices? Why does everybody raise their price? Don't they know I'm trying to stick to a budget?

Why do I always pick the slowest line at the checkout? I've been on a roll lately and it kind of stinks. Tonight I ran to the store to pick up a few essentials--milk, yogurt, kleenex, orange sherbet (orange sherbet is definitely considered an essential in our family). I know exactly where each of those items are located in the store. Exactly. I figured it would take me about 5 minutes to find them, a couple minutes to check-out and I'd be on my way. Think again. All the lanes seemed to be about equal, so I just picked one. Bad choice. Nearly ten minutes later I leave the store. At least I wasn't in a hurry.

I enjoyed watching some of the NBA Finals games with Will this year. The last time the Mavs took on the Heat was in 2006, the summer Anthony and I were engaged. It's fun to think about much life has changed since then.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

our poor, neglected blog

I can't believe we let the entire month of May go by without a single post. Be patient and there should be some good posts coming soon.

In the mean time I have 2 main excuses for the lack of blogging.

1--I am pregnant! We look forward to welcoming Baby Girl John to our new home on or around October 21st. Wait--new home?

2--That's right--we bought a house! We've been looking for a few months and finally found a house we are really excited about. It is in the area and our move-in date is in early August.

So between growing a baby and looking for a house, we've been busy. In fact, we found out we were having a girl and had our offer accepted on the same day. I've had a headache ever since. I think the stress (even though it is mostly good stress) is too much for my pregnancy hormones to handle.