Thursday, March 31, 2011


This March we've been celebrating fifteen months of Will. It seems like each month he just gets more and more fun.

At fifteen months Will weighs in at 25 pounds and stands 31 inches tall. He's got quite the physique. And we better mention that he cut all four molars this month too. It was a painful time for him (and me) with refusals to nap and incessant fussing. Still working on the canines.

In this picture he is signing more.

He likes to empty his toy bins and then yell into them. He really digs the echo.

He is still obsessed with balls. His arm is developing quite well.

Oh yeah, and he is a thug in training.

He also likes to "raise the roof," or touch the ceiling after he makes a basket, but only when Dad is home.

He loves the grass. He likes to run down the hill beside our apartment and roll in the grass when he trips, which is often.

He loves shoes. He has actually never tried to put on my shoes, but he loves to wear his shoes and put his feet into Dad's. Hasn't quite figured out how to walk in Dad shoes though.

His naps are in a state of transition. Most mornings we have a "quiet time" where I put him in his crib for half an hour or so. At first I would give him books to look at while he was in there, but he always throws them out, so he just sits in his crib and moans. Sometimes he falls asleep and sometimes he doesn't. If I don't put him in his crib, he often will come to me with a blanket or just whine like crazy. He still takes an afternoon nap though, thank goodness. I told Anthony the other day that his nap time is the most productive part of my day and I am not ready to lose it. He is actually pretty good at communicating that he wants a nap.

In this picture we were playing in the living room when he got up, went to his bedroom, returned with his blanket and then laid down.

In this photo, I turned on PBS kids to hopefully distract Will while I took a shower (he is a menace in the bathroom). When I came out and found him like this I asked him if he needed to snooze and he just stood up and walked to his room.

He's a real character.

got milk

We haven't done a ton of signing with Will. He has a Baby Signing Time video that we like for the music as much as anything. However, lately he has been signing like crazy.

Here he is signing milk:

It's kind of nice, because he has been using the "Mmm" sound to communicate a lot of things: Mama, milk, more as well as general frustration.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

emily comes to town

Aunt Em came to town a few weeks ago. She came home for a variety of reasons, but we know the real reason was to hang with Will. And just like when Aunt Jill came to town, we didn't take many pictures.

Highlights of the visit include:

...Will walking up to greet Emily at the airport (at that point he had only been walking for about 3 weeks, he's a veteran now).

...Lots of delicious food. This is also kind of a low-light because Will's behavior at the Olive Garden made me vow to not take him out to eat again until he's 12.

...Enjoying the spoils of our ward's dessert auction. We ended up with a lot more dessert than just Tony and I could handle, so we were lucky to have extra family around to take part in its consumption. Here is a picture of the creatively decorated cupcakes I won. I think my favorite was the starburst as a pat of butter. Does anyone know who made those?

...Staying up late catching up and hearing lots of mission stories.

...Hearing Elder Matt Wilson's homecoming talk.

...Visiting the Kansas City Temple site and watching Will run free.

...Will getting "chased" around our apartment and playing peek-a-boo with his Auntie Em.

Thanks for visiting Emily! Will even cried when you left our apartment. :(