Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Our bathroom mirror may just be the most valuable soothing device we have. Will loves to look at himself in the mirror. It doesn't matter how long or how hard he has been crying, if you put him in front of the mirror for long enough he will smile.

Of course, it takes some work to get him to smile. Sometimes more than others. Look at the faces Anthony is making in the pictures. His faces may be more entertaining than Will's.

Check out this gem:

We call it the Wacko-Jacko because it bears a striking resemblance to the picture in this blog post.

Oh Will, and the things we do to make you happy.


Tina said...

He looks so old in those mirror pictures! I can hardly wait to see him again. The Anthony faces are wonderful...anything that helps kids calm down (and doesn't hurt them) is worth doing.

Alicia said...

Ha ha. Those pictures are awesome. I can't wait to meet the little guy!

Carly said...

I agree with my mom....everything except for doing things that don't hurt them. No pain no gain.

Jill said...

haha, that picture continues to bring joy and laughter (and creepiness) to my life.
also, i love the pic of will on the top left. he's totally checking himself out!

Meredith said...

I love these pictures. Something about the lighting looks like they were taken in the 70s...and it makes me smile even more.