Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Our bathroom mirror may just be the most valuable soothing device we have. Will loves to look at himself in the mirror. It doesn't matter how long or how hard he has been crying, if you put him in front of the mirror for long enough he will smile.

Of course, it takes some work to get him to smile. Sometimes more than others. Look at the faces Anthony is making in the pictures. His faces may be more entertaining than Will's.

Check out this gem:

We call it the Wacko-Jacko because it bears a striking resemblance to the picture in this blog post.

Oh Will, and the things we do to make you happy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I think I've stared about 5 different blog posts in the past week or two, only to leave them unfinished for one reason or another (usually Will-related).

And I'm sure most of you feel like Will due to our lack of posts:

So loyal readers be warned. Over the next few days you will be inundated with posts. Some thoughtful, some funny, and many Will-centric.

A hint of things to come: vanity, Will, falling off the wagon, teen angst, Will, bad hair days, my favorite things, and of course, Will (who coincidentally is one of my favorite things).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The madness begins

I'm pretty sure the BYU-Florida game shaved a few years off of Will's young life. I guess he'll have to wear this onesie Saturday too.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sweet Vids

Back by popular demand, we post some sweet vids of Will
Hot dang the boy is awesome-

Brace yourself for pure joy-

We cater to the demands of Will's adoring public.