Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Totally Random

Here are a few totally random things that have either made me laugh or think this past week:
  • When I walked into the Primary room at church last Sunday I was greeted with the STRONG smell of men's cologne. At first I thought it was a dad waiting at the back with his daughter, but I soon discovered that the smell was actually coming from one of the 7 year old boys. He had a bottle of AXE and when I asked him what he was doing with it he read from the label, "Spray all over your body." He had taken the directions very literally and we had to confiscate the bottle from him because the other 7 year old boys wanted it sprayed all over their bodies too.
  • When I was talking to one of the six year old girls (at church) about the lesson they had the previous week she told me I should "ask my dad" about it. Tony had substituted their class the week before. This made me laugh really hard.
  • TMI facebook statuses. (Or is it stati?) And not just TMI, but leaning to the facebook world for advice. I've never really been one to put up a status and I don't really get Twitter (which seems really similar to me). Anyways, after a few I've seen this past week I've been toying with the idea of putting how I really feel or questions I need answered out there for all my facebook friends to see. I mean, I work part-time so I spend the afternoon by myself either studying/cleaning/wasting time. That's a lot of hours where sometimes I just need feedback and there is no one around to give it to me. I guess what I am saying is, don't be surprised if you start seeing things like "Carrie Crane John really wants another Kit Kat, but she will feel like a fatty if she does since she hasn't worked out today. What should I do?" pop up on your mini-feed. And I do want your feedback.
  • Bling Bling the Credit King. I love Springfield's cheap local ads and sketchy businesses.
  • A girl who was clearly on a date wearing a Bumpit at the St. Louis Cardinals game.


anna said...

thank you for that post - it was hysterical. I always thought Anthony was the funniest one in your marriage (because, well, let's face it - Anthony is one of the funniest people Clarke and I know), but you might give him a little competition for that title.

Clarke recently read an article about how facebook is ruining friendships. They mentioned that no one should have to know the stupid things their friends are doing, such as: Anna is brushing her teeth right now. or Anna still hasn't showered and it is 3 in the afternoon . . .

We hope you guys are doing well. We need to plan a trip up there soon. Would you mind if Clarke, our three kids and I crashed in your one bedroom apartment? :)

Jill said...

hahaha. I so wish you had pics of some of these things, although the visuals I have conjured are pretty funny already.
Please don't become a public TMIer.
Ask your dad. (And remember that commercial I showed you that reminds me of your actual dad.)

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

What's a bumpit? Is 'anna' above Ben and Toni's daughter? She's become quite literate at such a young age!

beks27 said...

Carrie-this was a really funny post! There's a little kid on our street who calls Jim my dad, too! So funny! Also, thanks, my girl is really cute and she's really funny! AND I didn't know you are havinga baby! That's so exciting! I'm so excited for you!

beks27 said...

Ok, sorry about all the exclamation points in my comment. Maybe they were a little overboard, butI got really excited when I saw your baby bump pictures :)

Laura said...

haha. These all made me laugh. Probably the ones that made me laugh the hardest were the bumpit and the Bling Bling the Credit King. Who in their right mind would buy a bumpit??

The Diggins Family said...

You have just caused me to google the word "bumpit". After reviewing the product, part of me wonders if it might have been designed specifically for me. While living in Texas only heightened my desire for big hair, the more rational part of my brain is now telling me that I would indeed by the one who would look like a complete idiot wearing it. Still, many a minute has been wasted in my attempt to achieve this very look...

Heather H. said...

Carrie, I just want to say hey! I loved reading the last few posts as I have been behind on keeping up with the blogs...I would make my Facebook status: Heather wants to hang out and chat with Carrie. And thanks for the funny post...can't wait to hear more about everything!

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