Monday, September 14, 2009

Comfort foods

You would think that being 6 months pregnant this post would be about me........but it's not. It's about Anthony. After a stressful Monday at work he came home and needed a little time to "decompress." Being the thoughtful wife that I am I offered him some cookie dough I had made earlier because I know he loves it. I asked him if he wanted a spoon and he said no. I look over to find him eating the dough like a hot dog.

FYI: We usually don't keep this much dough on hand. I made it yesterday because we were supposed to have people over for dinner, but they ended up canceling on us. I would never make this much cookie dough on purpose because I can't eat it right now. The reason it is still dough is because I can eat cookies and the last thing I need right now is 3 dozen cookies on the counter tempting me while I do my homework. At least someone got some enjoyment out of it. And thank you for indulging my need to justify myself.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Totally Random

Here are a few totally random things that have either made me laugh or think this past week:
  • When I walked into the Primary room at church last Sunday I was greeted with the STRONG smell of men's cologne. At first I thought it was a dad waiting at the back with his daughter, but I soon discovered that the smell was actually coming from one of the 7 year old boys. He had a bottle of AXE and when I asked him what he was doing with it he read from the label, "Spray all over your body." He had taken the directions very literally and we had to confiscate the bottle from him because the other 7 year old boys wanted it sprayed all over their bodies too.
  • When I was talking to one of the six year old girls (at church) about the lesson they had the previous week she told me I should "ask my dad" about it. Tony had substituted their class the week before. This made me laugh really hard.
  • TMI facebook statuses. (Or is it stati?) And not just TMI, but leaning to the facebook world for advice. I've never really been one to put up a status and I don't really get Twitter (which seems really similar to me). Anyways, after a few I've seen this past week I've been toying with the idea of putting how I really feel or questions I need answered out there for all my facebook friends to see. I mean, I work part-time so I spend the afternoon by myself either studying/cleaning/wasting time. That's a lot of hours where sometimes I just need feedback and there is no one around to give it to me. I guess what I am saying is, don't be surprised if you start seeing things like "Carrie Crane John really wants another Kit Kat, but she will feel like a fatty if she does since she hasn't worked out today. What should I do?" pop up on your mini-feed. And I do want your feedback.
  • Bling Bling the Credit King. I love Springfield's cheap local ads and sketchy businesses.
  • A girl who was clearly on a date wearing a Bumpit at the St. Louis Cardinals game.