Thursday, June 11, 2009

I don't know, but I've been told...

...someone here is getting old.Birthday's here are lots of fun,
and today you're #1!
Sound off...
Sound off...
three-four.Hap-py Birth-day TO YOU!
(Thank you Aunt Karen for teaching us the "Birthday Song")

On June 12th a few years back I lost my status as only child. I'm not sure I knew what I was getting myself into: sharing my room, my parents, my toys. What I can say is that although it hasn't been a total cake walk, I'm so glad Jill came along. Jill is smart, funny, vivacious, and kind.

Jill, I hope your big day is AWESOME!!


Jill said...

Thanks. Glad I haven't ruined your life completely. :)

Emily said...

Cute pictures! I have the best older sisters EVER. :)

Anonymous said...

Awww. I miss that song. The first time I heard them sing that for my birthday ( yup, when I was engaed to Paul) I thought that was the cutest birthday song ever!. Happy Birthday Jill!