Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rowing on the river

Because we had to miss the Crane Reunion today (which I am very sad about) we decided we needed to do something fun this Saturday. Luckily our good friends, Patrick and Stephanie, arranged a canoe trip along the Niangua River and invited us to come along.

Pat's mother, brother, and beagle came too.Lucy isn't exactly a water dog. She is definitely more of a landlubber. It took many hands to get her into her life jacket. She got all sorts of attention as we progressed down the river. My favorite was when the drunk guys asked if Lucy was short for Lucifer.I don't have a lot of canoeing experience. Stephanie has been a part of most of them as we usually canoed together at Girl's Camp. Here are the hot mommas right before we loaded up the canoes:Stephanie packed us some delicious treats, so we stopped about half way and ate an early lunch. We had to eat early because I was hungry and I'm grumpy when I don't get to eat. What can I say? The way to my heart is through my stomach these days.We may have been the only sober people on the river. At first I was most afraid of hitting a log or sandbar and getting tipped over, but I quickly learned that the intoxicated people were much more dangerous (and unpredictable) than nature's speed bumps. Seriously, it was like Sodom and Gomorrah, Ozark Style. I hope every one makes it home okay. There is a heat advisory in the area today and I although there was lots of drinking going on, we didn't see any of them drinking water.Thanks to the Zysks for letting us tag along and thanks to TJ for being the brains and brawn behind our canoe.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sweet 16!!

Last weekend we got to celebrate Laura's 16th birthday with her and it was a blast!! Laura is great for so many reasons, which include but are not limited to the following:
  • her quick wit
  • her loving and kind nature--she's great with kids!
  • she can make the most symmetrical jewelry you've ever seen
  • she's THE Style Master
  • she has the best email aliases ever
  • she is a great natural athlete
  • and she is always willing to give up her bedroom when we come to town
  • She loves to play games--IMGONNAWIN ring a bell?
We love you, Laura! And hope your birthday was great!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I don't know, but I've been told...

...someone here is getting old.Birthday's here are lots of fun,
and today you're #1!
Sound off...
Sound off...
three-four.Hap-py Birth-day TO YOU!
(Thank you Aunt Karen for teaching us the "Birthday Song")

On June 12th a few years back I lost my status as only child. I'm not sure I knew what I was getting myself into: sharing my room, my parents, my toys. What I can say is that although it hasn't been a total cake walk, I'm so glad Jill came along. Jill is smart, funny, vivacious, and kind.

Jill, I hope your big day is AWESOME!!