Saturday, October 18, 2008


So last night Anthony and I went out to eat and then over to Barnes & Noble to hang out for awhile while our food digested. While perusing the shelves I came across this shocking book:
Some of you may know that I thought Anthony was a bit of a player when we first met. He just laughs and says I'm ridiculous, and up until this point all my evidence was circumstantial. But now his new book proves my point! The writing on the front even looks likes his handwriting! Anyways, coming across this book pretty much made my night. Even though I'm sure it is trash, I wish he really wrote it because I wouldn't mind the royalties.

BTW, I had no idea there were so many vampire books out there. Apparently it is a growing genre. As are teen books written in weird text-speak. It was hard for me understand all the slang and acronyms so I did a little internet search and found this fabulous site. Yay, now I can write my blogs using a quarter of the keystrokes! Score. TTYL! BFN!


Jilleen said...

I totally had to look up the acronyms. I myself like to spell out each word and punctuate when I text. As for the book, looks like "best seller", for sure!!!

D said...

I was actually Tony's ghostwriter for that literary masterpiece. Enjoy it. His secret is out now.

Graham Orme said...

Yes, having known Tony since Freshman year I can attest that at least most of what you will read in that book is true. Except for the playing of the trumpet in his dorm room, that never happened.