Saturday, October 18, 2008


So last night Anthony and I went out to eat and then over to Barnes & Noble to hang out for awhile while our food digested. While perusing the shelves I came across this shocking book:
Some of you may know that I thought Anthony was a bit of a player when we first met. He just laughs and says I'm ridiculous, and up until this point all my evidence was circumstantial. But now his new book proves my point! The writing on the front even looks likes his handwriting! Anyways, coming across this book pretty much made my night. Even though I'm sure it is trash, I wish he really wrote it because I wouldn't mind the royalties.

BTW, I had no idea there were so many vampire books out there. Apparently it is a growing genre. As are teen books written in weird text-speak. It was hard for me understand all the slang and acronyms so I did a little internet search and found this fabulous site. Yay, now I can write my blogs using a quarter of the keystrokes! Score. TTYL! BFN!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Disturbing thoughts

I have a midterm due in about 24 hours. For the most part, I've got things well under control. Unfortunately, it seems like the harder I try to focus, the more random my thoughts become. Right now I am sitting in my room listening to the smooth sounds of Josh Groban's Closer and trying to articulate my thoughts on systems theory and family financial planning. But there is this ice cream truck driving around our apartment complex. And that is making me think of a both a disturbing Law and Order: SVU I once watched and the creepy child catcher from Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang. I used to be really scared of that guy. Oh well, at least it is still warm enough that the ice cream man is making his rounds...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ode to my Dad

Today is my dad's birthday. I don't think he ever looks at this blog, but he still deserves a shout out for being so great. We've been friends ever since I was young.
Favorite memories of my dad include, but are not limited to the following:
  • My earliest memories are reading the "Jesus Book" (Illustrated New Testament stories) and singing "Love at Home" with my dad before bed and how he would sometimes fall asleep in the middle of the song or reading.
  • Learning how to swim. My dad would let my sisters and I ride on his back for a bit, then he would stand up and we would "fly" off.
  • When I was in sixth grade our family got a paper route. It was supposed to be something that us kids could do to earn spending money. My dad got up every day and did most of the work,which believe me, was tough. We lived in North Dakota and it was cold!! For the next few years, whenever I wanted something I'd ask my parents to pay for it with the "paper route money." They got tired of that.
  • My dad let me raid his closet and wear his old clothes when baggy sweaters and flannels were in style. Today I'm mostly grateful that was before the age of the digital camera--pictures of me in that era are disgusting and (thankfully) a bit harder to find.
  • My dad puts up with being seriously outnumbered pretty well. Driving cross country with six female bladders would put any man to the test, but Dad was very practical about things. He made sure to tie a bucket to the top of the van/station wagon to ease the inevitable pit stops.
  • When my dad's company moved buildings I went with him one night to pick up a few things they were getting rid of. It was the dead of night and we were driving a van with tinted windows and using a dolly going in and out of a deserted office building. I felt very sketchy and that is the night we became "Horace and Jasper."
Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!!