Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gooooooooo Cougars!

To make up for the fact that we saw my sister Jill on TV three times this afternoon we had to take a picture of us in our BYU gear watching the game. Although technically this picture was taken post-game this is what we were wearing and some of the sweet faces we were making while watching the game.
Several of our siblings were there and we were watching for all of them. In fact, crowd watching is one of our favorite things to do, especially when the opposing team never scores!

To prove we have been BYU Football fans for awhile, I thought I would include a few photos from our past. Enjoy!

November 2007
At the BYU-Utah Game with Emily, Jill, Meredith & Steven (not pictured: Carly, Daniel, Doug, Alicia & Matt)

Fall 2006
Yeah, I don't know what is going on with Anthony's hair either. He needs to stay away from my volumizing hair products.

I have more pictures I could add, but it is too late for me to scan any. I guess I'll just tempt you with more flashback posts to get you to stay tuned to our blog.


Gloria said...

Carrie! I just wanted to tell you that you are too cute, and that I miss you terribly! Would you like to come back? Seriously I can't believe you've been gone a whole year, I don't know how I've survived!

Anonymous said...
