Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More than hope, more than faith...

...This is true, this is fate...

Points for anyone (besides my sister Laura) who can correctly identify where I got the title of this post.


Jilleen said...

No points for me!! But happy anniversary! The years fly by, don't they?

marquita chiquita said...

Wow! That is a hard question and I have no idea....but it's your anniversary? Happy Anniversary!

Jill said...

and together we see it coming. more than you, more than me, not a want, but a need, both of us breaking freeeeeeeeeeee!
happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Wow, time flies! Happy Anniversary. Have fun and enjoy this "Honeymoon stage".

Carrie said...

Drat! Jill beat me to it! But I too get points :).

We're soaring, we're flying. There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach.

And again, happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

"Soarin' Flyin' There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!"

It took me a second to realize which song that was taken from, but your clue about how Laura would know gave it away.

Happy Anniversary the other day!

P.S. I'm offended you didn't respond to my ornery text. :)

Anonymous said...

What a cute pic! So you're running the KC 1/2 too? How fun! I'm really excited. We should hang out the night before or something. We really need to visit Branson too and hang out since we live pretty close.

Melissa said...

happy late anniversary! I can't believe it's been 2 years already. Watch out, if you're like us, people are going to start asking right and left when you are going to have kids and pretty soon, you run out of reasons...we love you guys. Congrats!