April 7 |
General Conference has been a bit of a struggle for our family lately. It is hard for the kids to stay engaged without lots of candy incentives, but then all the candy leads to hyperfocusing on how to get the candy, not conference. Then there is usually worse behavior after all the candy is consumed. Elliott and Lauren worked on making church-related Lego builds during the morning session. Elliott built this first vision scene, with a temple in the background. Lauren built a model of the KC Temple. In the evening we invited over a few families in our ward to hang out and eat dessert.
April 8 |
Monday afternoon Miles and I went over to my parents to watch the eclipse with my mom. I brought out a colander and made a rudimentary eclipse viewer so we could see cool shadows. Miles kept saying that the sun "looked like the moon" because all we could see (from our glasses) was a little sliver. We experienced 89% totality, but it was still quite bright. It felt like an overcast day, or early evening when the sun is still out, but not high in the sky.
April 9 |
Miles and I spent the day getting ready for our trip to Texas. We stopped at the library to pick up books and DVDs for the drive. One of the books we got was a collection of BOB Books. BOB books are great for beginning readers. I was shocked at how much he was able to read on his own. After the library we went to Costco to get our tires rotated and balanced. We bought a few snacks for the road, but didn't have to wait long for our van to be ready. I was impressed that Miles was able to read most of the book with little help from me.
April 10 |
Wednesday morning we headed to Texas. A few months ago we decided we wanted to visit some more baseball stadiums. Elliott's buddy's family went to Texas last summer and so that got us thinking. I would much rather visit Texas in the spring than during the summer. The kids had a four day weekend this week, so we decided to tack on a few extra days and make a road trip out of it. Over the next four days we traipsed across Texas to visit baseball stadiums, presidential libraries, and a few other points of interest. Our first stop was a Texas Rangers game in Arlington. The defending World Series Champion Rangers were playing the worst team in the MLB, the Oakland As. It was dollar dog night, but the family in front of us had connections to an employee from the catering department and they shared lots of great snacks with us--fries, chips, Powerade, cotton candy, cracker jacks, etc. We made friends with most of the people sitting around us, and several people were happy to point out their connections to KC star and Colleyville native Bobby Witt Junior or "Junior." Will and Elliott both wore Bobby Witt Jr. Royals t-shirts. The people in Texas really are quite friendly. Lauren carried Elliott on her back for the entire mile walk from the stadium to where our van was parked.
April 11 |
Wednesday morning we got up and headed to Dallas. I have always wanted to visit the site of the JFK assassination. While researching the area I came across the
Sixth Floor Museum and decided we needed to go there too. I definitely have a better understanding of how the assassination was executed, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend the museum for families. It was expensive, crowded, and not at all geared towards kids. A fun moment was when Anthony overhead a father and daughter speaking Finnish. Anthony being Anthony he greeted them in Finnish and proceeded to have a ten minute conversation with them. After the museum we said goodbye to Dallas and headed to the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco. That museum was much more kid-friendly, and even included a complimentary soft drink prepared by a soda jerk. I can honestly say it was the most delicious root beer I have ever tasted. We got back on the road and stopped at Buc-ees for a late lunch. That place is huge! We arrived at our hotel in Austin and the kids hit the outdoor pool almost immediately. In the evening we drove into Austin and ate at Hopdoddy, which was delicious.
April 12 |
Friday was another full day. Our first stop of the day was the LBJ Presidential Library on the campus of the University of Texas. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but when I asked Miles what he liked best about the visit he replied, "none things." Clearly my positive feelings weren't universal. LBJ was president during a tumultuous time period. I feel like I see variations on the same issues going on in the world again today. We hit the road and headed for Houston with a quick detour to Brenham--the home of Blue Bell Ice Cream. I was sorely disappointed we didn't make it there in time to go on the observation deck and watch them prepare and package the ice cream. We did each get a huge scoop of ice cream for $1 each, so it wasn't a total bust. We drove on to Houston, dropped our things at the hotel and then headed into the city for the Astros game. The game was really fun! They were hosting the Texas Rangers in the "Silver Boot Series." I felt like it was a little less smart to wear Royals gear to this game, being that the Royals swept the Astros in the three games leading up to this weekend, but Will and Elliott were pleased to proudly wear their KC gear. The fans got really into the game! Will said Minute Maid Park is the only place Jose Altuve doesn't get booed. Adolis Garcia garnered a fair amount of boos every time he was up to bat. After the game they opened the retractable roof and put on a fireworks show to the music of Taylor Swift. It was the perfect end to the evening for our family, and a great treat for Lauren who likes baseball just fine, but isn't nearly as into it as her brothers. We were exhausted by the time we crawled into bed just before midnight.
April 13 |
Saturday we were tired and reevaluated our plans for the rest of the trip. We decided to pare back a bit and spent most of the day in College Station. We drove up and first visited the George Bush Library on the campus of Texas A&M. This was the consensus favorite presidential library of the trip, it was much better suited for kids. Elliott was excited he got to touch a part of the Berlin Wall. After the library we drove around town to visit some personal history landmarks. My family lived in College Station from August 1986-April 1992 while my dad attended A&M. We visited the two houses our family lived in, the institute building my parents cleaned, the church building we went to and both of the elementary schools I attended. As we were driving between Rock Prairie and our Bluestem Circle house I gasped when I saw the pool my family spent hours at while we lived there. My love of swimming and summertime expectation of pool attendance was nurtured right here. Of all the spots we visited in College Station, this one was the most fun. We weren't able to book a hotel in College Station because it was parents weekend so we decided to start the drive back home. We stayed the night in Waco. Lauren mentioned that she was in the mood to watch National Treasure 2. We checked into the hotel and turned the TV on. We saw that National Treasure 2 was scheduled to come on in about 90 minutes. That gave us just enough time to go swimming, then watch the movie while we ate pizza in our room. It was a perfect relaxing end to our time in Texas.