Sunday, October 29, 2023

2023 :: week 43

October 22
Sunday we celebrated Lauren’s birthday after a dinner of fried chicken at Memaw & Pepaw’s house. These tuxedo cakes from Costco have become the birthday dessert of choice.

October 23
These trees in our neighborhood are so beautiful! On several occasions over the past week I have enjoyed looking at them. I noticed that they had red x's spray painted on them and discovered that they are set to be chopped down due to the emerald ash boer moving into the area. The city is cutting down approximately 2400 ash trees and then replanting one for each one cut. They have to be planted several feet away from the spot of the previous tree, and if there is not enough room they will plant the tree at a nearby park or greenspace. I hope they will be able to plant them along the street. I love driving along the tree-lined streets in our neighborhood.

October 24
Tuesday after preschool we made plans to meet Miles’ sunbeam classmate Leo at the park. Leo also attends preschool at the SMECEC. The rainy, cold front came in a bit earlier than we expected and because it was already raining by pick-up, we went to the indoor playground at Matt Ross instead. That was fine with Miles! He had a great time climbing and playing tag with Leo and his little brother while I chatted with his mom. 

October 25
We had SO MUCH RAIN this week! At the afterschool pickup I was hoping the Elliott would want to quickly walk home, but no. (Lauren stayed after for Student Council). Elliott got soaked going down the slide over and over with his friends. He was hooting and hollering and having the time of his life. Miles waited under the awning of the pool house while I collected him and made him come home. Having Nicholas over softened the blow of leaving.

October 26
Anthony spent the week in Colorado Springs at the conference. He stayed at the hotel, which he said was very posh. He sent me this picture of him and his fellow NCCT psychometricians  before they went out to dinner. Anthony wasn’t feeling great before he left and wasn't feeling any better after he returned home. He has had a persistent cough for at least a month. Don't worry, he tested for covid and it wasn't that. When he returned home on Saturday I made him an appointment at the CVS Care Spot where he was diagnosed with an ear infection. That was unexpected, but it was good to get him on some antibiotics.

October 26
Thursday after school Miles and I met Jill and Henry at the zoo. It rained in the morning which kept the crowds to a minimum and we were able to get tickets to visit the new aquarium. It was our first visit to the zoo since the aquarium opened at the beginning of September. We liked seeing all the sea life. I was excited to see a giant Pacific octopus after listening to the audiobook Remarkably Bright Creatures for book club this month. Seeing the baby sea horses getting rides from their parent was pretty fun too. 

October 28
Saturday was our ward's Trunk or Treat. We combined with Mill Creek, and it would have been great if the weather cooperated and we could have been outside. Unfortunately it was pouring rain and it was all moved indoors. Our gym is not meant to hold that many people. After the Truck or Treat Anthony and I headed downtown to see Took Kill a Mockingbird at the Music Hall. We enjoyed it! Though you could tell the dialogue had been written in modern times. I had a teacher say something to the effect that art tells you more about the time it was written than the time period in which it is set. That definitely felt true for this play. Richard Thomas, who played John Boy on the Waltons was Atticus Finch. The actress who played Mrs. Dubose (Mary Badham) was the actress who played Scout in the 1962 movie, which was fun.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

2023 :: week 42

October 15
These two look so much alike. It's not just their features, but also how expressive they are, and the way they move. But their similarities don't end there. They also have kind hearts, and don't linger too long on disappointments or hold grudges. They both are positive and upbeat and are (usually) great company for watching sporting events.

October 16
We got the kids' school pictures back this week. The proofs we got from the middle school were much higher quality than the ones the middle school was sharing. (Miles' school takes pictures in January). This week I had parent-teacher conferences with both Lauren and Elliott's teachers. I left both meetings feeling so grateful for their amazing teachers, and also so humbled by the amazing people that Lauren and Elliott are becoming. Both teachers remarked about how well the kids get along with others, and that in both classes the teachers know they can count on our kids to work well with kids that are having a hard time. None of Will's teachers reached out to me about scheduling a conference, which means that he's not a problem at school. His grades are fabulous and he seems to really be thriving. Miles' teacher said he seemed so much more comfortable at school this year, that he is well liked by other kids and is even participating in their music time. (Last year he was a conscientious objector). It is so rewarding to hear such nice things about your kids.

October 17
This werewolf is on display at Hy-Vee, and it elicited the loudest scream I've heard from Miles in awhile while we were shopping this week.

October 18
Miles' is really enjoying the writing center at school this year. He writes letters and puts tons of stickers on paper. He is very proud of his creations and taken to displaying them on the freezer portion of our refrigerator. I am going to have to buy some stickers to send in to his classroom, because at the rate he is using stickers they will be out very soon.

October 19
Two weeks ago the primary boys made bottle rockets for their activity. This week they launched them at the park. Elliott was proud to come in second place for distance with his rocket. Andrew M. came in first, and Jay C. came in third. Miles attended the activity with Anthony and had a blast watching the rockets fly through the air. He is ready to go to Activity Days. Only 4 more years to go...

October 20
Friday the kids had no school. In the morning we had the Wilson boys over while Matt and Emily attended their conferences. That afternoon Memaw and Pepaw took Lauren on her birthday shopping trip to Target. She got a some great stuff--a sweater, Lizzie McGuire Funko pop, diamond art kit, and a few books. That night she played in a soccer game. She scored a goal and her team won 6-2. After the game Anthony and I went to a grown-up Halloween party thrown by the Toblers at the church. The highlight of the night was the double take the woman in the car next to us did when she saw Anthony driving with his Gru nose.

October 21
As has been the case for the past few years, Lauren's birthday has been busy! This year started off with standing in line with me at Nothing Bundt Cakes to win a coupon for 1 free bundlet a month for the upcoming year. Next, we went to the Allreds for their annual Halloween party, which was fun as always. In the evening she headed over to Cat & Sally's to hang out and get ready for the Taylor Swift Concert movie. The friends at the movie were Cat, Sally, Daphne, Brena, Hailey, Sofia, Ariana, Caroline and Maddie. Charlotte, Megan and Cinthya were the parental chaperones for the movie. The girls had fun singing along and dancing the night away. She got her new Stanley cup and Lulu Lemon belt bag just in time to take to the movies.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

2023 :: week 41

October 8
Miles has gotten way better at writing his name! He has been able to write the M-I-L-E clearly for awhile now, but his S was all over the place. These doodle boards have been wonderful for church. I think a few of the kids are going to be receiving them for Christmas this year because we don't have enough to go around. 

October 9
Daphne, Cat and Sally came over for awhile after school. The older kids are very nice to Miles, so naturally he assumes he is part of the group when their friends come over. 

October 10
Elliott and I got cozy on the couch and read for a bit. I have had headaches off and on all week. It is starting to get dark earlier and earlier and in turn I am wanting to shut down for the night early too. Elliott has become a big reader this year, especially of graphic novels. He is devouring Dog Man and Big Nate books at a rapid pace. I made Will take this picture of us because we don't have very many pictures of me doing prosaic things with the kids, even though I do them all the time. 

October 11
It was a busy band week for Will. Wednesday night was the IWMS Fall Band concert in the middle school gym. Friday evening the 8th graders joined the SMS pep band and played at the football game. It was freezing! Anthony sat with the Crabbe's, who generously shared an extra blanket with him.

October 12
I took Lauren and Elliott the library after dinner. I wanted to pick up my next Lane Winslow book, and it had been awhile since either of them have been able to peruse the stacks. We found a book on display entitled, 100 Days of Lying About Lauren that we had to get. 

October 13
Will and Lauren helped spread mulch for Alex Bean's Eagle Scout project. The project was south of here and the leaders drove the kids down. Due to some miscommunication I ended up waiting at the church for over an hour for the kids to arrive, only for Will to get dropped off at our house and Lauren to go over to the Wright's house. I feel proud of myself for holding out giving my kids phones, but today is an example of when it would have been very nice to be able to contact them directly.

October 14
A few weeks ago Lauren spent a Saturday afternoon at her soccer teammate Kenzie's house. This week she spent a few hours at our house. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

2023 :: week 40


October 1
Our kids listen best when they are able to do something with their hands. Lauren worked on her knitting and the boys built with Legos while listening to General Conference. Sunday evening we had the families I minister over for dessert--the Mirandas, Winkes and Starnses. There were six boys under the age of 12 at our house. Miles and Elliott were in heaven!

October 2
We've spent the week binging the third season of Ruby and the Well on BYUtv. It is turning into our post-conference show. It is nice having a show the entire family can enjoy, though much of it goes over Miles' head at this point.

October 3
Anthony texted me this picture and asked, "how many psychometricians does it take to change a tire?" Apparently while he was taking a SME back to their hotel the tire popped and he had to replace it with the spare. His co-workers came and picked up the SME, then came back to the parking lot and helped him change the tire. That night we ordered a new set of tires from Costco. That car was due for new tires anyway. 

October 4
Lauren participated in her first Math Club competition of the year Wednesday. Math Club is popular at OPC, so kids only get to go to every other competition. Anthony left work early to watch her compete. 

October 5
Elliott and his buddy Eli write books together at school. Their protagonist is Penguie, a penguin. Eli is the author and Elliott is the illustrator, but they brainstorm ideas together. Eli's mom is a published author so writing is in his blood. His mom texted me a picture of Eli working at home, so we texted back a picture of Elliott and the finished illustrations.

October 6
Anthony and I wet to Union Station Friday evening to watch Nellie Don: The Musical. We first learned about Nellie Don when we did the Gangster Tour for TJ's 40th birthday. We went on a bit of a Nellie Don deep dive in the week after learned a lot about her. She really is a fascinating woman. When I saw that they had made her story into a musical I knew we had to see it. It was predictably cheesy, but we were entertained. We were also the only people in the theatre that weren't senior citizens. 

October 7

We participated in the Dunn Deal client appreciation festivities at the Louisberg Cider Mill Saturday (we go as guests of my parents). We ate delicious donuts, played in the corn crib, conquered the maze and jumped on the giant pillow. After that we had a busy afternoon complete with a birthday party (Elliott's friend Eli at Lenexa Rec Center Pool), two soccer games (Lauren's soccer team made it to the finals in their tournament before losing in the championship game) and dinner group (for mom and dad with the Beans and Naylors).

Sunday, October 1, 2023

2023 :: week 39

September 24
Sunday was a busy day. Anthony taught EQ, then in the afternoon we taught our Living & Sharing the Gospel class. This time the topic was putting on the armor of God and invited the Kaw River missionaries in for a Q&A. One of the sisters was Sister Ferrell who served in our ward last year around Christmas. The kids seem to like it when we have current and recently returned missionaries share about mission life.  In the evening we played a few games post dinner. Clue Junior is a perennial family favorite. 

September 25
Miles and I are making weekly library visits on our way home from preschool. The Oak Park library is closed for about four months for renovations. It has been fun getting to know this library better and it has a few amenities our library lacks. Miles especially likes returning books on the conveyor belt and picking up holds.

September 26
Tuesday evening the elders came over for a dinner of Willy Chili. Elder Christiansen really liked it so I'll probably make it again next time he comes. After dinner the elders gave us a lesson and the kids climbed on top of Anthony while we "listened." Miles and Elliott like to be very active while they listen.

September 27
Miles loves the observing the butterflies and bees that hang around the sedum plant by the Stutsman's mail box. Every day as we head out to meet Lauren and Elliott at the park he runs ahead to take a look at what they are up to. Linda generously gave us a cutting of their plant, so hopefully we can attract our own insects next summer.

September 28
I’m not exactly sure what these two kids were doing, but they had fun horsing around with Miles in the evening.

September 29
Friday was SMS homecoming. In the afternoon I picked up Will and Knox from Indian Woods, bought them chicken sandwiches and then took them to SMS to watch the homecoming parade. We wanted to see Lauren march in the parade with the OPC Stuco, but it was also fun to see friends from church or other elementary schools. That evening we went to KidFest at SMS before watching the homecoming game. It was Miles' first football game (that he remembers). South lost, but we still had a good time.

September 30
Miles likes riding the bikes in his school gym when they do indoor recess. Saturday we filled up the tires in our bikes so Miles could work on his bike-riding skills at home too.