March 19 |
Miles snapped this selfie during church. I don't let the kids use any electronics during Sacrament meeting, so he must have snuck it out of my bag when I wasn't looking. Tony spoke in our ward this week for his monthly high council speaking assignment about the purpose of belonging to the church.
March 20 |
After a few too many mornings when mom and dad didn't get up early enough to make scrambled eggs for breakfast, Lauren has taken it upon herself to prepare them. The large servings are for her and Will, the smaller portion is for Miles. Elliott does not care for eggs. In our defense, Tony and I have not been sleeping well lately. Miles has been waking up at night, coming into our room and waking us up, only for him to quickly fall back asleep while to two of us struggle to do so. Miles has really regressed in the sleeping department ever since he turned 4.
March 21 |
My goal for the remainder of the school year is to declutter our house. I often feel frustrated with the clutter in our house, and one way to cut down on clutter is to pare down on belongings. The school district is running a clothing drive this week and I spent hours going through the kids old clothes and donating the extras to the clothing exchange.
March 22 |
Lauren's soccer team practiced at OPC this week because their other field was unavailable. Lauren has gotten really good at throwing the ball in quickly and down the field. I was impressed with how much farther and accurately she is able to throw the ball now.
March 23 |
Miles spends a lot of time playing basketball in our front room. Like his brothers before him, he has spends hours each week playing imaginary sporting events.
March 24 |
The motor on our garage door has been struggling over the past few months and this past week it finally bit the dust. As with many things in this house, it was well maintained by previous owners and outlived its life expectancy. The technicians at Overhead Door couldn't tell us exactly how old our previous motor was, but it didn't have the associated sensors required with all new installs starting in 1993, so we know it was at least 30 years old. Friday our new motor was installed and it is so sleek and quiet. Seriously, I had no idea how loud our garage door opening and closing was until we had the new one. I have accidentally opened and then closed the door because I didn't hear open. We also now have a garage door key pad and two remote controls!
March 25 |
Over the past year Will has gotten into baseball card and sports memorabilia collecting. He saw an ad for a baseball card show in Belton, MO, that he was interested in attending. Anthony agreed to take him and the others boys excitedly tagged along. Unfortunately, when they showed up the show had been cancelled. They were not the only people there who had hoped to go to the show so we know it was a real thing. Anthony looked up card stores on his phone and found Coach's Corner also in Belton. They decided to stop by and had a great visit! The owner was very friendly towards kids and gave each of the boys two free packs of old baseball cards, as well as mini binders to hold the cards. Miles especially loves the binder.