July 7 |
When I came downstairs from saying goodnight to our kids Sunday evening I was struck with how gorgeous the sky looked out our back windows. This photo does not do it justice.
July 8 |
I like to start the week off getting a lot of things done. Monday is my laundry day, and I start that as soon as I'm up for the day, typically before 8am. Will has piano lessons at 9am, and while is there we usually buy gas, stop by the post office, or pick up a few groceries. This week Will got invited to go to swim with his friend Ben, so we dropped him off at Ben's house and then headed to the library. Lauren and Elliott both selected a few books and movies, then took advantage of the children's area. Lauren colored and Elliott played Legos. Monday afternoon we folded laundry, then went to the pool.
July 9 |
Tuesday was Chick-fil-A's annual "Dress Like a Cow Day." It has evolved over the years, but basically if you dress up like a cow, or put polka dots on your shirt and ears on your head, you get a free entree. The kids had fun creating their simple costumes, and I enjoyed the subsidized meal. Most of my spots were rubbed off my shirt when Elliott jumped in my arms and clinged to me when he spotted the cow mascot roaming the restaurant. Our restaurant had a fun wheel for the kids to spin and both Elliott and Will won a free milkshake, which helped calm him down.
July 10 |
While we were in Florida two families brought Nintendo Switches to play. Will's cousin Weston earned money for his Switch and Will made a deal with Anthony and I to likewise earn money towards a Switch for our family. He has been very entrepreneurial ever since we returned from our trip. Here is his watering our friend Sarah's flowers. He has been watering her plants and getting her mail while she was out of town. He spent hours weeding our beds (which got out of control when we were out of town) and I am so pleased with how much better they look. It is fun to see him get creative with ways to earn money.
July 11 |
We had a busy Thursday! Lauren went to the Kansas City Temple (about 35 minutes away) with her activity days group. They walked around the grounds of the temple, visited the waiting room, met with the temple president and matron, picnicked at the neighboring church building, then stopped for ice cream on the way home. While Lauren was busy with her friends Will had a playdate with his friend (Seth) from his Cub Scout troop that is not in our ward. We combine scouts with a ward that shares our building, so this is a new friend that he typically only ever sees on Wednesday nights. He had a great time and is already asking when we can have Seth over to our house.
July 12 |
Miles has not been sleeping great this week. Teething, four month sleep regression, who knows? All I know is that before we went on vacation he would give me one 6 hour stretch a night. Now he is back to waking up every 2-3 hours. Friday evening Will and I went to the pool and I read while Will worked on his diving. It was nice to just read and relax. The book I read is
The Wednesday Sisters. It was the book club pick for July and I didn't get it finished in time for our meeting Wednesday night, in part due to my week of poor sleep. Anthony, Lauren and Elliott watched E.T while Will and I were at the pool.
July 13 |
We had a very productive Saturday! It was our turn to clean the chapel in the morning. Anthony prepped and painted the decorative gate in the front of our house I cut the three boys hair. We moved our storage around in the basement in preparation for the next step of renovations next week. When it was finally time to go the pool we were all ready!