December 15 |
Sunday morning Anthony left for his pre-church meetings as usual. It was forecasted to begin snowing during his bishopric meeting and as predicted, it did. The snow began to accumulate and at first the decision was made to only have Sacrament meeting. A short while later church was cancelled altogether. Anthony stayed at the church to get some work done, but was home by noon. He confirmed that the roads were indeed quite slick. It was nice to have a cozy day at home. In the afternoon we had a family sauna session. I think I am enjoying the sauna more than expected, in part because its warmth is so welcome in the wintertime. It was a total fluke that the kids were color coordinated, but I had to snap a picture.
December 16 |
School was cancelled Monday, so we had a mostly quiet day at home. Both of the big kids got to play with friends--Lauren's friend Stella invited her over for a few hours and Will went sledding with both Curran and Knox. After consulting some instagram accounts and pinterest I created a cross-stitch pattern for a gift I am making for my sister. I was a little frustrated with the snow day, because I had a long list of errands to run, but it allowed me to get some stuff done around the house, which was good too.
December 17 |
Will turned 10 on Tuesday! I can hardly believe we have a child that old. Will is the perfect oldest child for our family. He is bright, helpful, funny, adventurous, active, inquisitive and just so good. He loves sports and reading and has recently developed an interest in cars. He requested zupa toscana for dinner and Nintendo Switch games for his gifts. My parents, the Wilsons, our friend Sarah and the missionaries all stopped by to celebrate and wish him well. Even though Tony had a colonoscopy that morning, it was a great day celebrating Will.
December 18 |
I did a bad job of managing my holds and several of them came in at the same time!
The Girl with Seven Names is a book club pick, so I will prioritize that, but I want to read all of them. If only I didn't have so many things to do and could read all day...
December 19 |
Both Will and Lauren were selected by their teachers to receive the "Kindness Counts" award for their classes. Each semester a boy and girl from each class are chosen and get to attend a small party. I told my kids it was an early Christmas present for me to know that my kids are kind and treat others with respect. I ran into Lauren's teacher in the office when I was pulling Will out of school for his well-child check-up and she told me Lauren was "a real leader in the classroom."
December 20 |
Crane Christmas began when the Staritias arrived Friday morning. The Allreds arrived at midnight on Friday, and the Toms Sunday (12/22) afternoon. Lauren was so excited to see her cousin, Leah. Leah and Lauren are the only girl cousins on the Crane side of the family. It is quite a reversal, my four sisters and I have 7 boys--with another arriving in February--and 2 girls between us.
December 21 |
Saturday afternoon we loaded up our van with a crew to go see the new Star Wars movie,
Rise of Skywalker. Everyone seemed to enjoy the movie. I am not a very sophisticated Star Wars fan, so I was easy to please. Tony and I watched
The Last Jedi the night before and I was able to ask Anthony a lot of questions, which helped me remember and understand what was going on.