Saturday, May 27, 2017

2017 :: week 21

Getting in the swing of summer

May 21
My parents headed to Utah for the week, so we celebrated my birthday a little early. My mom made my favorite peanut butter chocolate rice krispies and the we sang the birthday song.

May 22
We stated the summer of right by taking a trip to the library. Will found a book he had been dying to read (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) and he got down to business. By the end of the first week he of summer he read almost 600 pages.

May 23
A fellow OPC mom organized a going away party for our friend Tori. Tori and her family are moving to Texas next month. She was one of the first friends I made last year because she was a fellow "half day mom." Most of the women in this picture were half day moms and I am so grateful for them and their friendship over the past two years. Our family has been so blessed with friendship since Will started kindergarten.

May 24
I found this fort making kit on clearance at Kohl's and gave it to the kids for Christmas. Anthony helped them build some forts after dinner.

May 25
Back in March Holly and I talked about getting together. Then she started a long term substitute teaching gig and didn't have a lot of free time. We were finally able to enjoy a day at the zoo together this week. Will and Bennett were fast friends again and enjoyed checking out the animals together.

May 26
We had an epic family fun night Friday. We went to the splash pad, then watched Honey I Shrunk the Kids together. I loved that movie when I was young and was so delighted by how much Will enjoyed it. It was the perfect start to my birthday weekend.

May 27
My birthday! We started the day by going to Will's best buddy's (Jack Cook) baptism. It was a great baptism. There seemed to be a nice emphasis on becoming a disciple of Christ which was a good topic for me to ponder on the anniversary of my arrival on Earth. That afternoon was dark and stormy. We watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I loved it! Anthony and I watched it again after the kids went to bed because I missed a lot while we watched it with the kids. The Throssells joined us at Red Robin for dinner. It was a great day full and family, friends and things that make me happy. I felt very loved.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

2017 :: week 20

May 14
Mother's Day! Due to a fender bender the night before, we ended up taking family pictures at the Navarre Pier Sunday evening. After the pictures we walked along the pier. This was one of our favorite things we did on our Florida trip back in 2015.  For Mother's Day I told Anthony and the kids that their Mother's Day gift to Memaw was to not complain about taking the family pictures. They didn't complain too much.

May 15
Monday was our last full day in Florida. We spent most of it at the beach. We spent the morning hunting for shells, the afternoon playing in the water and the evening in the sand. It was just so gorgeous and picturesque! I saw sad to leave.

May 16
Wednesday was our travel day. Anthony travels quite a bit more than the rest of us so he gets a Southwest "A" boarding pass each time he flies. Elliott boarded with him while Will, Lauren and I waited to board with the families. It was a much smoother trip home than out. We were all so tired that afternoon and evening.

May 17
Art imitating life. Lauren and Will made an airport that was connected to a beach out of their Legos Wednesday afternoon.
May 18
Lauren only had two days of preschool once we returned from our trip. The district switched the end date of school on us after we had already made our plans and it is harder than you think to coordinate a time for 6 busy families. Lauren's preschool teacher this year was Miss Diana. She is awesome! Lauren loved being in her classroom, they both like singing and crafts. Miss Diana's son is going to be a life guard at our neighborhood pool this summer so we look forward to running into her there!

May 19
Will's finished first grade in style! He had a great year. He learned a lot, made new friends and gained a lot of confidence. What more could a parent want for their child?

May 20
After his Saturday night bath Elliott climbed into the big bed in his room. Will saw him, joined him and read him a book. I love my little buddies.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

2017 :: week 19

May 7
Our ward relief society has a visiting teaching conference the first Sunday in May. This year we did a skit featuring various visiting teaching "ants" at a picnic discussing ways to be a good visiting teacher. I was Observ-Ant. Acting isn't my calling in life, but it was fun working with these ladies.

May 8
The kids always want to play outside after school. I got out my camping chair to watch them play and it made me smile when they were all lined up. Spring makes me happy.

May 9
Monday and Tuesday were my big work days. We left Wednesday for our family reunion trip to Florida. I was pretty busy doing all the prep work, but got ahead of schedule enough that I was able to take Lauren and Elliott to a birthday party for our friend Emmett.

May 10
Wednesday was our travel day! We left after school, flew through Nashville and arrived in Pensacola around 8:30. By the time we rented our car and got to our hotel room it was pretty late. Our trip out was not without stress. There was a car accident and our trip to the airport was delayed by about twenty minutes. The Southwest employee was struggling with our tickets and after spending over twenty minutes with him waiting for our luggage to get processed and our boarding passes to print we were some of the last people on the plane. Elliott threw up down my shirt just after we took off. The plane we were on had some serious undisclosed "technical difficulties" including an ineffective air conditioner and had to be towed to the gate after we landed. That night Will and Lauren both struggled to sleep so we had to change up in the middle of the night.

May 11
The beach is beautiful and as a Midwesterner I am amazed and awestruck by the ocean every time I visit.
May 12
We went to the beach in the morning and early afternoon, but a thunderstorm passed through in the evening. The ladies, including Lauren, and some of the men got pedicures. That night we had a bubble blowing contest with some bubble gum my mom bought. Will LOVED this activity.

May 13
Saturday we rented paddle boards. It was the windiest day we were there, so it was a lot harder than I was expecting. The house we stayed in was on the sound with a short walk to the beach. Most of us weren't brave enough to brave the ocean with the paddleboards, but the sound was perfect. Lauren had never heard of a sound before, and when we left to go swim asked if we were going to the "noise" or the "beach."

Saturday, May 6, 2017

2017 :: week 18

April 30
Both Anthony and I have been bitten by the family history bug this year. I've always had a general interest in our family histories, but over the past few months I've spent more time trying to learn more about the lives of my progenitors. This is a photo of my maternal grandmother Joan, and her older sister Olive in Manchester, England.
May 1
I feel like our bedtime routine is ever-evolving. Now that the sun is setting later we are having a hard time getting the kids to want to go to bed. We don't want black out curtains in the entire house. :) Currently we've been letting the kids pick a book or two to read on our room before we head up to their room. Lauren usually picks a Berenstain Bear.

May 2
The weather went from warm to cold to hot this week. My head did not appreciate all this fluctuation. I hate when I get headaches and this one did not come at a convenient time. Anthony was out of town for four days, and I had previous committed myself to doing several things (treats for teacher appreciation at both Will's and Lauren's schools, helping chaperone a field trip, an appointment for long-overdue electrical work, and a RS meeting). The kids and I hit Hy-Vee  to buy supplies for the teacher appreciation breakfast at Lauren's school the next day.

May 3
Will's poor first grade class had pretty back luck with the weather this year when it comes to field trips. It was windy and cold during their trip to the pumpkin patch in October (Will missed it because we were in Utah for Jill's wedding). Their trip to the Historic Mahaffie Farm was the coldest and wettest day of the week. It was 47 degrees with steady rain when we arrived. Because it was so close to the end of the school year and schools book these trips months in advance, there were no available slots to reschedule. We soldiered on. It was fun to see Will interact with his classmates and to get to know them better.

May 4
Nearly six years after moving into our home, and many, many bumped heads later, we finally replaced the light fixture in our kitchen. It is nothing fancy, just an LED light from Home Depot , but it gets the job done. We also had the ceiling fan in Elliott's room and several wall plates replaced that were no longer working. Money well spent.

May 5
Friday was nice and warm and the kids and because the kids had a day off from school we went strawberry picking. I wanted to go on the front end of the season being that the rest of the month we were quite busy. We picked some berries, the kids played on the bales of hay and we shared some strawberry doughnuts. Fun way to spend a morning with no school!

May 6
Anthony arrived home late Friday night. It had been a long week for both of us and when my friend mentioned that she and her husband were going to a free play at JCCC Saturday evening I asked if we could tag along. Sometimes you just need to get out of the house and spend time with friends without worrying about anything else! I was able to hire a sitter last minute and we went to the play and got ice cream afterwards. It was nice out and we were comfortably able to eat our ice cream and chat for awhile. The free play was Assassins by Stephen Sondheim. It is about the various men and women who have attempted to assassinate presidents of the United States. Some were successful (John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Charles Guiteau, Leon Czolgosz) and some were not (John Hinckley Jr., Sara Jane Moore, Lynette Fromme, etc.). It was different than I was expected, but made me think.