April 30 |
Both Anthony and I have been bitten by the family history bug this year. I've always had a general interest in our family histories, but over the past few months I've spent more time trying to learn more about the lives of my progenitors. This is a photo of my maternal grandmother Joan, and her older sister Olive in Manchester, England.
May 1 |
I feel like our bedtime routine is ever-evolving. Now that the sun is setting later we are having a hard time getting the kids to want to go to bed. We don't want black out curtains in the entire house. :) Currently we've been letting the kids pick a book or two to read on our room before we head up to their room. Lauren usually picks a Berenstain Bear.
May 2 |
The weather went from warm to cold to hot this week. My head did not appreciate all this fluctuation. I hate when I get headaches and this one did not come at a convenient time. Anthony was out of town for four days, and I had previous committed myself to doing several things (treats for teacher appreciation at both Will's and Lauren's schools, helping chaperone a field trip, an appointment for long-overdue electrical work, and a RS meeting). The kids and I hit Hy-Vee to buy supplies for the teacher appreciation breakfast at Lauren's school the next day.
May 3 |
Will's poor first grade class had pretty back luck with the weather this year when it comes to field trips. It was windy and cold during their trip to the pumpkin patch in October (Will missed it because we were in Utah for Jill's wedding). Their trip to the
Historic Mahaffie Farm was the coldest and wettest day of the week. It was 47 degrees with steady rain when we arrived. Because it was so close to the end of the school year and schools book these trips months in advance, there were no available slots to reschedule. We soldiered on. It was fun to see Will interact with his classmates and to get to know them better.
May 4 |
Nearly six years after moving into our home, and many, many bumped heads later, we finally replaced the light fixture in our kitchen. It is nothing fancy, just an LED light from Home Depot , but it gets the job done. We also had the ceiling fan in Elliott's room and several wall plates replaced that were no longer working. Money well spent.
May 5 |
Friday was nice and warm and the kids and because the kids had a day off from school we went strawberry picking. I wanted to go on the front end of the season being that the rest of the month we were quite busy. We picked some berries, the kids played on the bales of hay and we shared some strawberry doughnuts. Fun way to spend a morning with no school!
May 6 |
Anthony arrived home late Friday night. It had been a long week for both of us and when my friend mentioned that she and her husband were going to a free play at JCCC Saturday evening I asked if we could tag along. Sometimes you just need to get out of the house and spend time with friends without worrying about anything else! I was able to hire a sitter last minute and we went to the play and got ice cream afterwards. It was nice out and we were comfortably able to eat our ice cream and chat for awhile. The free play was
Assassins by Stephen Sondheim. It is about the various men and women who have attempted to assassinate presidents of the United States. Some were successful (John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Charles Guiteau, Leon Czolgosz) and some were not (John Hinckley Jr., Sara Jane Moore, Lynette Fromme, etc.). It was different than I was expected, but made me think.