November 8 |
Our Primary Program was this week and both Will and Lauren did a fantastic job. They were sitting on opposite sides of the stand which made it hard to see them both during the songs. I loved watching them sing. Lauren was very animated, but I'm pretty sure she was making up words to some of the songs. Will was so earnest and sang so well during the first half of the program, but lost a lot of steam towards the end. They both said their parts clearly. I was pretty excited that Lauren even said her part as she never once said her part during any of the practices. Before church I told her Elliott wanted to hear her do it bribed her with a tootsie roll. Turns out Elliott and candy are the way to her heart.
November 9 |
Laundry, ugh! I am constantly trying to figure out the best method to get things washed and folded. I'm actually pretty good at getting it washed. My biggest issue is getting it folded in a timely fashion. Recently I've been moving it straight to my bed when it gets out of the dryer, hoping that having it on my bed will motivate me to get it done. It has been less effective than I had hoped.
November 10 |
Will and Lauren helped me rake some leaves Tuesday afternoon. I had seen that it was supposed to be extremely windy Wednesday (it was) and I wanted to be a responsible neighbor and get our current layer of leaves taken care of before they all blew down the street.
November 11 |
Tuesday night was awful. First off, I went to bed too late. Then Elliott was congested and had a hard time falling back to sleep and staying asleep for more than about 15 minutes after I fed him. Will's "blankets were weird" and he woke me up to help him get them right. Lauren cried herself to sleep because her ear was hurting her, then woke up several times in the night either coughing or crying because of the pain. Anthony was gone (he left straight from church Sunday and didn't arrive home until Friday night around 11pm) so I had to take care of all these things by myself. I'm giving all that background to explain that when I woke up Wednesday morning I was exhausted. I forced myself to get out of bed at the last possible minute. I could hardly believe the energy and vigor Will and Lauren greeted me with that morning! Usually I push Lauren and Elliott in the stroller while we walk to Will up to school and she ran the entire way there and back! I am not complaining about Lauren's energy, I was expecting her to be tired and grumpy so this was a very unusual (and welcome) change.
November 12 |
Elliott has been holding his head up really well lately, so we decided to try him out in the Bumbo chair. For the most part, he seems to like it. Will and Lauren like sitting in it when he isn't.
November 13 |
Will was out of school Friday, so we made a trip to the library. We ran into one of my good friends from high school and her daughters, which was a fun surprise.
November 14 |
BYU was in town to play Mizzou at Arrowhead Stadium Saturday night. We got tickets with some friends from our ward several months ago. Unfortunately, both BYU and Mizzou have under preformed this year, but because of that there were lots of empty seats. We were able to move really close after the first half. Will came with us and told me he was "so excited my tummy feels weird" as we were driving to the stadium. It has been a long time for me and BYU football games, the last game I attended was over Thanksgiving 2007. Even though they didn't win we had a good time.