We are still alive.
Our blog has been a little blah lately. I've gotten on a few times to post a quick update, but then our internet would be slow or Will would distract me or I would decide to not publish the post and now here we are, a whole month without something new and that is just no good.
So here are a few of our highlights and low lights from November:
- Eleven months of Will--our little guy has now lived in every month.
- Amazing November weather--no snow, lots of unseasonably warm days...we were spoiled and I am not enjoying the colder weather we've had the last few days.
- Gamers--lots of fun game nights with friends.
- Giving Thanks--a great thanksgiving weekend filled with great food, good company, and lots of blessings for which we are grateful.
- Great Deals--we didn't stay up all night or wake up early to brave the Black Friday sales, but we were able to find some deals that made us smile.
- Travels--Anthony had training in DC so I had to run the roost all by myself. I can do it just fine, but it is a lot more fun when he's around.
- Stomach flu--Will and Anthony caught a nasty bug. I got thrown up on for the first time (in my mouth, no less). This was a big time sad.
- Pathetic blogging--No excuse really, I just dropped the ball.