I forgot to mention that the park where Anthony plays is a little ghetto, the infield is very gravely. At his last game Anthony had to slide and ended up with a nice raspberry on the side of his leg.
I like to think that Brandi was fiercely loyal and didn't like anyone messing with her peeps. She would always act agitated and bark really loud in an angry fashion when people did much hugging or picking each other up. But maybe she just hated PDA, although I never thought picking up another adult was a sign of affection. Anthony found this to be particularly funny so he would like to give me bear hugs and pick me up to get a rise out of her.
Anyways, I could ramble on for awhile with stories about Brandi, so I will end with this. When I was young I was scared of dogs. I was scared of their barks and afraid they would bite me. Brandi was a sweet dog, who was generally cheerful and loved being social. She was (usually) nothing like the dogs I was scared of in my childhood. Brandi is a dog that will be sorely missed by all who knew her (except our neighbor's dog).