Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random happenings

For the past month our blog has been devoted to "shouts out" to our beloved family members. Lest you think our lives are all play and no work, here is taste of some of the things we have been up to in between the birthdays.

We don't have to get divorced.
Some of you may remember Anthony mentioning how confident I was that he would pass his comprehensive exams. In case any one was wondering, he did pass and will be graduating in May. Atta boy, TJ!

House guests. My dad and sister (Laura) spent a weekend with us and we had a lot of fun! We drove to St. Louis and spent a day at the temple, did Branson, ate lots of good food, played games, and watched lots of movies. We ended up watching a few more movies than originally planned, but that was because the weather tanked. We had big plans to ride the go-karts, but they don't opened when it rains, and boy was it rainy. I guess that just means they'll have to come back again...?

Sweating it out. Now that it is officially spring and the overeating excuses of holiday season are no longer valid, we have been increasing our efforts to get in shape. Anthony is playing basketball at the church every Tuesday night, and I have started running again. I thought I was doing alright by using the elliptical and other cardio machines at the gym, but I guess there is no
real substitute for actual running (maybe aqua-jogging?). I feel like I am starting back at square one with my running. Anthony is also pretty pumped to start playing city league softball next month.

Draft day(s). With the baseball season just around the corner, Anthony has been busy preparing for his (fantasy) managerial duties. The draft is his favorite part and to prepare for it he has participated in many a mock draft along with scouting players and putting together his own personal player/position rankings. Let's all wish him and his multiple teams luck.

March Madness. We both filled out brackets and Anthony especially has been enjoying copious amounts of basketball. I am currently ranked 1,715,101 according to ESPN, while Anthony is ranked 293,772. Things will change in my favor when UCONN defeats Purdue. I'm not surprised Anthony is beating me, but to be honest, even though I know he should be beating me, I still wish I was winning.

Quote of the Month: "Is there anything better than doing a baseball draft while watching college basketball?"
--TAJ, March 2009

Getting 'bit' by the Twilight bug. Since the DVD was released last weekend while Dad and Laura were in town, I finally got Tony to watch the movie last Saturday. While he wasn't ready to commit to watching it again Monday night with our friends the Zysks, he admitted it was better than he thought. He is not a Bella fan and said the movie made him not look forward to having teenage daughters. Whatever. Drama is fun.