My friend Rachael tagged me, I've never done this before, so here goes.
The rules:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. I get the hiccups every day. Especially in the morning or after I've eaten. I don't know if I swallow funny or what, but they hit me almost every day. They usually aren't a problem, but sometimes at work when I am on the phone it can be embarrassing.
2. I am really terrible at opening bags. Especially bags with food in them. I always rip the bag too
much, sometimes beyond repair. I have to keep clips on hand or else all our food will go bad. Tony doesn't like me to open ANY cereal bags anymore and he always laughs when he opens a box and sees the messed up bag inside.
3. I love the feel of the warm sun on my face. When I lived in
Chatsworth (in Provo) I would open my blinds on Sunday afternoon and put my pillow on the end of my bed and take a nap with the sun on my face. It is just so relaxing. I love to lay out at a pool and just soak up the sun. I know it is not good for my skin, but it just does something great for my soul. One day I want to have a big window that I can lay next too and take naps.
4. I really like the T-Mobile commercials with Charles Barkley and Dwayne Wade. They make me laugh every time. Sir Charles is hilarious.
5. I love to start projects, but am that great at finishing them. Not necessarily with school or work, but things at home. I will get started on a craft and get really into it--for a few hours. Then it will take longer than I planned, or my attention span is too short, or something else will come up, and I'll abandon ship. Sometimes I will have two or three projects sitting around, waiting to get finished. And I'll see them and they will discourage me so I will end up just watching TV or something and then I'll get mad at myself later. Could this be ADD?
6. I like to sleep on my right side with the sheet in my left hand pulled up over my head. It is hard for me to fall asleep any other way. Even if I am tired and lay down another way, I always turn and get in my "position."