Up late again to watch the Red Sox pulverize the Indians. Considering how convinced the national media was that Schilling and Dice-K stink, they won both of their games to end the series pitching pretty well. Highlights of the telecast:
- the nerd-fest going down in the sox bullpen. They were all banging out rhythms on the pen wall.
- Big Papi sporting the celebratory goggles before the ninth inning was over.
- Tim McCarver babbling like an idiot. Actually, I hated that.
- The sweet catches to end the night, especially the last one.
- I honestly felt bad for the Indians when they dropped that pop-up in shallow left. It put a damper on my competitiveness...temporarily.
For the first time in my life I am being paid because of my love of sports. My professor, Dr. Thomas Kane, does research with sports and motivation, and he has hired me to help him creatively with his presentation. He liked what my partner and I did for our class presentation and will use part of his grant money to pay us to work on his.
We got to watch Transformers at our friends' house, the Zysks. They are extremely generous and fun, and I enjoy hanging out with them. Stephanie Zysk and Carrie have been friends since high school, and I think Pat, her husband, likes having me around because I yell at the TV during sporting games. Everyone thought my yelling at Kenny Lofton to get off the field because he was a "skinny wimp" was funny. Transformers is a good movie, and I suggest it to all who haven't seen it. It is not a movie that will "make you think."
The next day Carrie and I went to see the new Harry Potter at the cheap theater here in Springfield. I had won free tickets on campus about a month ago. It was also a good movie, but for the first time I understood what my sisters were talking about when they said about the other movies, "It was okay, but they took a lot of stuff out." We went from there to lunch/dinner at Olive Garden. I learned there that Carrie sometimes eat breadsticks like corn-on-the-cob. She told me that she just wanted to eat the good, salty part on top.
But Carrie has been wonderful. She decided instead of watching the baseball game with me she would clean up around our apartment, taking care of loose ends that we have had since moving here. We hung up our pictures, including temple and wedding pictures, and our apartment feels more like a home. We still have not received our tables from SofaMart which we bought August 14. They were supposed to be delivered almost two months ago. When I called again this week I was informed that our salesman did not work there anymore, and that is why our order had fallen through the cracks. Anyway, our apartment looks nice, and I appreciate her very much.
Carrie also made a very delicious dinner tonight. She has gotten more creative and her culinary talents have blossomed since our marriage. I always told myself that I would have to cook when I got married, but I was wrong. I still make my spaghetti once a week, which Carrie claims is her favorite. She is nice. Today she cooked chicken, red potatoes, carrots, garlic, lemon, green onions, and bouillon in our crock pot. It was delicious.
I am more and more convinced every day that my decision to marry Carrie was the best of my life. Not just for her culinary expertise. Not just her good looks. We are best friends.